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The developed system works in an automatic mode and supports signal generation measurements up to 20GHz. The system provides accurate and repeatable measurements and reduces the test time by 10 times.

The user can control the output signals, analyze, and store the received signals from the DUT. The system is based on the NI PXI platform and uses software developed in the NI LabVIEW graphical programming environment, which makes the system more flexible allowing to modify the system under customer requirements.

Measurements :

  1. Output power
  2. Gain
  3. Noise figure
  4. Amplitude frequency response
  5. Amplitude frequency response stability
  6. 1dB compression point
  7. Third Order Interception (TOI)
  8. Energy conversion efficiency
  9. Group delay
  10. Amplitude / phase noise
  11. Channel-to-channel isolation
  12. S-parameters
  13. IV characteristics

Details :
  • Author : yeatAdmin
  • Category : RF Components Test Systems
  • Date : September 15, 2016

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